Importance of decarbonization

The European commission is warning about the importance of doing a extra effort in descarbonization: «For all the progress made towards decarbonisation, it is clear that we still need to be doing more. ‘The data shows that we are off track,’ said Pete Harrison, Executive Director for EU Policy at the not-for-profit European Climate Foundation. ‘Certainly, the plans for 2030 suggest we’re going to fall short (of the EU’s 2030 climate targets). So more needs to be done in terms of the policies to create real change in societies.’».

DECO2 Principles

DECO2 technology focuses in chemical capture of CO2 gas streams. The technology used a combination of operations proven succesfully for more than 15 years in capturing CO2 coming from combustion processes onboard of submarines while they are sumerged and the experience in CO2 recycling processes in the chemical industry.

The CO2 chemical capture is combined with the process operations to obtain very valuable green byproducts for the industry. Combination of proprietary crystalization and drying steps make DECO2 an unique technology able to be combined with METALIQ(R) hydrogen generation to get NATURAL GAS ZERO CO2 EMISSION units.

Also, the economics of the DECO2 is very attrative thanks to a very short investment recovery period due to savings in carbon tax and the sales of green byproducts.

Testing of DECO2 technology

D&M owns testing units to be applied directly in your real industrial CO2 gas stream to show how efficient is the process and obtaining real green products from the CO2 capture as a comercial samples from your operation.

Due to its modularity it can be applied to large industrial solutions or installations of smaller size.

Direct industrial scale-up from testing results is one of the service D&M can offer to you thanks to our simulation engineering software and experience.

DECO2 Advantages

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We can help you with the decarbonization challenge.

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